Time to Love and Let Go: 5 Fashion Items to Purge and 5 to Embrace for a Stylish, Confident You

Ladies, we’re out of our twenties (we don’t have to say by how much) and we no longer need to hold onto everything. In fact, it’s time to let go of a lot: “stuff”, guilt, shame, feeling inadequate. We tend to wear the same pieces we love over and over anyway, so consider a little purge. Here are the five things we’re putting in the donation pile for someone else to cherish:

  • The too short mini skirt that leaves us fidgeting.

  • The stained, pilled-up sweatshirt we’ve had since the 90’s.

  • The statement blazer in the back of the closet you never wear.

  • The jeans that take away our breath when we sit down.

  • The fancy event dress feels like its going to rip when we raise our arms.

Here are the five things we’re buying from now on:

  • Clothing that fits our body NOW. Not something that fit us twenty years ago or something we hope will fit after 6 months of starving ourselves.

  • Quality items that look great and make us feel great in them.

  • Outfits that look amazing on us and make us hold our head high. Keyword outfit. No more buying single pieces (it’s on sale!) that don’t go with anything in your closet.

  • Wardrobe items that reflect our most awesome personality.

  • Garments that are multi-functional. Like a dress with a little stretch so we can bust a move at a wedding or rock it with a blazer during a hostile takeover at work – Succession style.


Because you love yourself for who you are and you want to create an easy, elegant, stress-free experience when it’s time to get dressed.

Right now: put the phone down, go find a mirror, look yourself in the eye and repeat these words:

“I love you – exactly as you are.”

Know that we love you too.




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