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How to Build a Healthy Relationship with Style Trends

Do we need to keep up with trends? The fashion industry would, of course, say “yes!” With fall fashion making its grand entrance, your social media feeds are about to be filled with the latest trends. But before you dive into every new trend, let’s explore how to build a healthy relationship with fashion trends and make them work for you.

Blindly following the latest fashion trend can be a little like being a Taylor Swift groupie: yes, it is acceptable at any age – she is an amazing storyteller after all – but you feel a little out place when you look around and everyone else is 25 and wearing micro-shorts.

It’s not that you don’t want to look stylish, but when the trend doesn’t translate to real life, it becomes unwearable.  The white boho frock that looks whimsical on the 16-year-old model might give “I was an extra on Little House on the Prairie” vibes when walking the dog.

The key to a healthy relationship with trends at any age is about finding a balance between incorporating touches of trends with embracing a unique signature style you love.

Trends and Personal Style: The Balance

Having a healthy relationship with trends means letting them enhance your style, not control it. Here’s how to navigate trends while staying true to yourself:

Ask Yourself These Questions Before Embracing a Trend:

  • Does this trend fit my lifestyle? If a trend doesn’t align with how you live or dress, it’s okay to skip it. Your wardrobe should reflect your daily life and personal taste, not just the latest fashion buzz.

  • Does it speak to my existing style? If the trend resonates with your personal style, it’s worth considering. It should feel like a natural extension of what you already love to wear.

  • Can I make it my own? Think about how you can incorporate the trend in a way that reflects your unique style. Adding a personal twist can make the trend feel like it was made just for you.

  • Am I being influenced by an algorithm? It’s easy to be swayed by social media algorithms, but make sure your decisions are based on your personal preferences and not just what’s being pushed online.

Explore Trends Mindfully

Trends can be exciting, but they shouldn’t overshadow your personal style. Instead of feeling pressured to follow every new trend, approach them with a discerning eye. Choose trends that genuinely resonate with you and complement your existing wardrobe. This way, you’ll incorporate them in a way that feels authentic rather than forced.

Embrace Vintage and Quality

Vintage finds and high-quality clothing are your best friends in maintaining a balanced approach to trends. Vintage pieces often have a unique charm and character that can elevate any outfit. They’re also a sustainable choice, contributing to an eco-friendlier fashion industry. When shopping, prioritize quality over quantity to build a wardrobe that stands the test of time and reflects your personal style.

By focusing on what truly excites you and making thoughtful choices, you can enjoy trends without losing sight of your unique style. Embrace what you love and wear it with confidence!

At Lady of Leitrim, we’re dedicated to helping you find the perfect pieces that celebrate your individuality. Whether you’re looking for timeless classics or need advice on how to integrate trends into your wardrobe, our team is here to assist you. Visit us today, and let’s create a wardrobe that’s uniquely yours!